Maggie’s Magnificent Masterpiece
A ’34 That Even Henry Ford Would Be Proud Of
Story by John Aschenberg
Photos by – Julia Aschenberg

Doing research on a project is time consuming, no matter what it is. It is rewarding knowing that it’s correct and based on facts. The first year that Ford offered a vehicle in a color other than black was ‘1934. Mary Ann Anderson also known as Maggie of Millboro, Va. was the one responsible for finding the facts out of various things that she wanted on her ’34 Ford Woodie. Back in the day, you had to pay extra for color on the fenders though, so she and along with her husband Wayne, decided to paint the body green and leave the fenders black.
Maggie said she’s been involved in cars ever since she was a little girl. Both of her uncle’s were into cars, and she remembers her uncle Frank restoring a Model A piece by piece. When Maggie and Wayne first started dating, they found out they both had something in common, a love of “ Fast, Loud, and Hot Rod Cars “. When first purchased from good friend Gene Shillman, it was a nice driver, but had a Chevy engine in it. Maggie and Wayne are Ford people through and through, and a Chevy in a Ford is blasphemy in their household, so there was no doubt a Ford motor would be under the hood.

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